• Leaders who recognise and internalise the importance of „Human Leadership“, who invest in their personal development and that of their teams, strengthen the commitment of their employees and the performance of their organisation.
  • Transforming leadership requires new ways of thinking and reflection. Our role is to advise and challenge you so that you can be the leader you want to be – with commitment, confidence, and the right tools.
  • Our way of working revolves around discovery, awareness and decision-making. It is about effectively empowering individuals and teams to find answers and to encourage and support them in their role.
  • We support you in gaining clarity about your challenges in the context of organisational reality, setting the respective goals and taking the appropriate actions.



  • in their leadership role have to actively shape permanent change and transformation.
  • expect transparent and constructive feedback and open, inspiring, and constructive dialogue at eye level.
  • are ready for new insights, new impulses and tangible change.
  • are looking for a partner with whom they can develop personal strategies, discuss new ways of thinking and experimenting with new ways of acting in their day-to-day work.



We combine our many years of experience as successful leaders with our methods and tools as executive coaches to optimally support leaders and their teams.

We have experienced the culture and rules of start-ups, SMEs and big corporations and use our experience consciously. In our work, we rely on a proven depth of process, diverse interventions, and different perspectives.

Track record



We support board members, managing directors and executives in 1:1 coaching to further increase their competence and effectiveness as leaders and to realise their personal goals. We see ourselves as a sounding board with a clear feedback culture and as trustworthy sparring partners at eye level.

As part of our work, it is particularly important to us

  • Creating space for a change of perspective and new solutions.
  • Enabling clarity about your own ambitions and goals.
  • Realise your own potential and strengths.
  • Combining experience with awareness.
  • Strengthening the ability to act in situations that cannot be foreseen.
  • Understanding leadership as a social process.
  • Understanding change as an opportunity.


Successful teams are characterised by trust and clarity, the ability to deal with conflict and commitment, as well as a clear focus on achieving their goals. Leadership is the art of achieving a common goal with people.

We offer customised workshops that promote trusting cooperation and a culture of constructive conflict. Part of the process can be the development of a shared understanding of vision, culture, and strategy in order to sustainably increase team and company performance.

We use our many years of experience as leadership advisors to support C-suite and management teams in developing their own understanding of leadership and in consistently aligning themselves with the company’s strategy and goals.

Our work with Leadership Teams focuses on:

  • Mastering challenges in change and transformation processes
  • Alignment of culture and strategy
  • Establishing an effective leadership culture
  • Building trust
  • Improving collaboration
  • Conflict communication and conversations critical to success
  • Resilience and perseverance
  • Strategic and goal-orientated communication
  • Review and optimisation of key HR tools

Career Coaching

Times of change present challenges, but also offer new perspectives and opportunities.

We provide targeted support with career coaching for managers who want or need to reorient themselves professionally. In a holistic process, we primarily develop clarity and orientation in the context of the professional self-image and goals for the next career step. As part of this process, we also develop a strengths-based competence profile and build a personal brand. The aim of career coaching is the perfect individual preparation for future-oriented self-marketing for the next professional challenge. In terms of content, we make use of various tool sets and work with a wide range of interventions: from systemic coaching to classic brand building.

As former C-level executives, we combine our knowledge from practical experience in various types of companies (from start-ups to SMEs and corporates) with our methods and tools as executive coaches and brand experts.

Components of career coaching can include

  • Analysis of the professional situation, strengths, potentials and competencies
  • Goal setting and development of perspectives in comparison with the labour market
  • Personal branding: development of the individual brand, USP and positioning
  • Definition of the offer: personal pitch and application documents
  • Optimisation of self-presentation in ones own network and on relevant online channels (e.g. LinkedIn)
  • Development of application strategies on different channels and for differentiated contacts
  • Application training and interview preparation
  • Support with references, contracts, negotiations, etc.

Executive On-Boarding
& Integration

Für neue Vorstände oder Geschäftsführer sind die ersten drei bis sechs Monate eine besonders kritische Phase. Idealerweise wird in dieser Zeit die Grundlage für die erfolgreiche Arbeit der anschließenden Jahre gelegt.

Neben den inhaltlichen Themen geht es um die Etablierung einer Vertrauensbeziehung und effektiven Kommunikation mit den wesentlichen Stakeholdern.

Wir bieten individuelle und auf die spezifische Situation abgestimmte Beratung, um neue Vorstände oder Geschäftsführer dabei zu unterstützen, diese kritische Phase optimal zu nutzen.

for change

Organisations must constantly change to be prepared for changes and new challenges.

Transformation and integration processes are about shaping a common culture, adapting processes and structures, and deploying the right employees in the right functions.
In addition, changes and changing expectations must be communicated effectively.

Mergers & Acquisitions are only successful if new teams can work together effectively. Issues in the leadership organization or a poor corporate culture are the most common reasons for unsuccessful integration processes.

A People & Culture Due Diligence produces transparency and clarity both prior to a deal and in PMI processes and creates the foundation for substantial people-related decisions.

We support our clients both before, during and after merger situation in analysing and evaluating management cultures, identifying potential conflicts in top management, anticipating resistance and retaining top performers.

Our work with organisations includes, for example:

  • Management of the organisation and organisation of management
  • Due diligence of personnel and corporate culture
  • Employee surveys and communication
  • Retention Counselling & Retention Analysis©
  • Clarification of organisational structure and roles
  • Strategy, organisational & cultural development
  • Conflict management
  • New ways of working
  • Stakeholder & interface management